Penn students pursue their faith and fellowship within a wide variety of student organizations. For more information follow the links to each organizational website or contact our office. Organizations are grouped by faith tradition and listed alphabetically.

*Many of our student groups are planning virtual gatherings through the summer, please click here for more information or to get connected

Scroll down to browse the full list or select a link to jump to a specific section:

Baha’i  |  Buddhist  |  Christian  |  Hindu/Jain  |  Interfaith  |  Jewish  |  Meditation/Mindfulness  |  Muslim  |  Secular  |  Sikh  |  Spiritual | Support


Penn Baha’i Club

Student Contacts: Alain Welliver

The Penn Baha’i Association aims to unite members of the Baha’i faith and students of all faiths on Penn’s campus in order to promote the  ideals of the oneness of humanity and unity among the world’s religions. Study circles, devotional gatherings, and community service projects form the core activities through which the Association works toward this goal. 


Penn Meditation and Buddhism Club

Staff Contact: Hojin Park, Myungjung Lee
Student Contact: Stefan Hatch, Achala Kankanamge, Lucy Entress

Penn Meditation and Buddhism Club is a supportive community whose goal is to create a welcoming environment for all to learn and deepen their understanding of the teaching of the Buddha. The club main activities include mindfulness practice, sitting meditation, discussion of Buddhism texts, deep listening, and compassion meditation. Please feel free to contact if you are interested.

SGI Buddhist Club at Penn

Staff Contact: Karen Lewis
Student Contact:

SGI Buddhist Club at Penn is a student organization contributing to the creation of a culture of peace and nonviolence based on the teachings of the Nichiren school of Mahayana Buddhism as practiced in the Soka Gakkai International-USA (SGI-USA). This group aims to help students unlock their hidden potential and achieve creative harmony with their environment through the philosophy and practice of Nichiren Buddhism.


Adventist Students for Christ

Advisor: Isaac Elysee

Adventist Students for Christ is a student-led Seventh-Day Adventist Christian group that focuses on both studying the Bible through weekly group discussions and developing strong relationships in fellowship among students, staff, and the large Penn community. Our meetings happen every Friday at 6:30. We also host many programs throughout the semester such as fun hangouts, dinners, conferences, end of semester celebration, and more. What we all have in common is LOVE: We love to have fun, we love the Lord, and we love meeting new people! Keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook pages for events and updates. We are looking forward to meeting you!

Asian Baptist Student Koinonia

Staff Contact: James Won, William Chung (grad fellowship)
Student Contact: Ezra Won

Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK) is a campus group committed to studying the Word of God and building Christ-centered relationships as a family of God. We strive to learn more about God through the Bible and share God’s love with all in the Penn community.  All are welcome to join us on Friday nights for thought-provoking Bible studies, food, fun and fellowship.

ABSK is a Christian fellowship ministering to college and university communities around the world.

Chi Alpha Pennchi alpha image

Staff Contacts: Dr. Philip and Valerie McLeod
Student Contact: Emily Monfort, Omotola Ogundele,

Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania is a body of students earnestly following Jesus, who come together to worship our amazing God, to learn His Word and be discipled, to encourage one another and pray, and to have fun making friendships that will last a lifetime.  Even though our name is Greek, we’re not a fraternity or sorority.  However, if you’re looking for brothers and sisters, you’ve come to the right place!

Chi Alpha is sponsored by the Assemblies of God with over 300 chapters throughout the United States.

CA logoThe Christian Association

Staff Contacts: Megan LeCluyse
Student Contacts: Rissa Howard (undergrad), Jakob Woerner (grad)

The CA is a student community where all are invited to explore their faith, question what they believe, and are welcomed exactly as they are. Both undergraduate and graduate students share dinner together on Wednesday nights followed by a discussion about faith. We also offer opportunities to serve God and have fun together, as well as specific events just for grad students.

collegium logoThe Collegium Institute for Catholic Thought & Culture

Staff contact: Terence Sweeney

Student contact: Samuel Hatfield, Julia Fischer

The Collegium Institute Student Association at Penn is a vibrant academic community that draws mainstream learning at Penn into conversation with the Catholic intellectual tradition, and with the “catholic” or universal questions that animate a human life.   For undergraduates it offers weekly dinner discussions (Food for Thought), Faith & Reason seminarsinter-collegiate humanities feastsMedical Humanities fellowship series, a Philosophy of Finance fellowship program, Legal Humanities fellowship seriesclassical language workshops, lectures and special events, and a robust student fellows program.  Its flourishing depends upon its members working together to cultivate certain virtues of mind and character, such as humility, trust, honesty, justice, and the love of truth. Collegium’s faculty and student fellows come from a variety of religious faiths and none. Hear from our students by clicking to watch this video here.

Doxa Campus Ministry

Staff Contact: Corry Mulligan
Student Contacts: Albert Jang, Sofia Montano

Doxa is a community devoted to seeing students formed holistically in the way of Jesus and living as the family of God on mission so that our campus, our city, and the world may be transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We seek to live out this vision together by fellowshipping regularly on campus, studying the Bible together, and worshipping with Redemption City Church. If you are interested in learning more or getting involved, please submit your contact information at the bottom of this landing page.

Doxa is the student ministry of Redemption City Church.

Episcopal Campus Ministry at Penn

Staff Contacts: Rev Emily Zimbrick-Rogers, Britany Holdahl
Student Contacts: Fiona Larsson (undergrad), Matt Murphy (graduate)

The Episcopal Campus Ministry at Penn is a home for students at the University of Pennsylvania who are interested in exploring faith through deep questions, beauty, and mystery, grounded in ancient traditions. As Christians in the Anglican tradition and as part of the Episcopal Church, we are committed to living out faith in action, informed by curiosity and community. Located at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 3916 Locust Walk (next door to Civic House), we are guided by the invitation to love God and love our neighbor. Our Sunday 11AM Holy Eucharist is an Anglican service with choir (open to student members), and Tuesdays we offer a simple Eucharist with healing prayer at noon. Our St. Hilda’s Chapel is open weekdays from 9AM-2PM for prayer or quiet meditation. All are welcome, no exceptions: St. Mary’s is more than a place of spiritual welcome and discovery, but also a place to belong. You can learn about our offerings for worship, fellowship, and faith exploration by signing up for our e-newsletter or checking out our Facebook.

Every Nation Campus

Staff Contact: Billy Bernhard, Nozomi Hunter
Student Contact: Christine DuahBrittney Benjamin, Faith Applegate

Every Nation Campus (ENC) is a city-wide, multi-ethnic movement of students with a vision to reach every nation with the Gospel. We are growing together in love for God and love for people, connected with the local church, and being equipped to make disciples. Our goal is to see thousands of university students in the Philadelphia area who are passionately devoted to Jesus Christ. Join us on the journey!

Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Action

Advisor: Jordan Lozzi

FCAIA helps sports-minded people think and live Biblically at the intersection of sport and Christianity. FCAIA is a co-ed, inter-sport community that is open to all.

Affiliated with Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and Athletes in Action (AIA) 

full measure logoFull Measure A Cappella


Student Contacts: Helene Cho

Business manager: Hauenz Kim

As Penn’s first and only Christian a cappella group, we hope to be inspired by the Holy Spirit to spread the Gospel on campus and the West Philadelphia area. In acknowledgment and celebration of God’s sovereignty, we seek to worshipfully compel others to know Jesus more through music and our lives.

global connect ucity logoGlobal Connect Philly

Staff Contacts: Becky Rhodes, Lyn Newbrander
Student Contact: Valeria DiMauro

Global Connect: U City aims to enhance the lives of all international students at Penn by providing service opportunities that meet practical needs, hosting social events to build connections among Americans and International students, and promoting spiritual growth by learning about Christianity and the Bible.  Global Connect: U City is open to people of all ethnicities, nationalities, and religious backgrounds.

Global Connect Philly is a partnership between Intercultural Friends, International Students Inc & Philly Bridges

God’s Property

Staff Contact: Stanley Williams (Baptist Campus Minister)
Student Contact:

God’s Property is a student led organization committed to fostering community among Christian students who relate to black culture.

grace covenant logo

Grace Covenant Church

Staff Contact: Doug Trittan
Student Contact:

The mission of our church is to raise up kingdom workers who are transformed by Christ to influence the world. We strive to be Bible-based, Spirit-led, prayer-driven, and missions-focused. If you’re an undergraduate student, graduate student, working young adult, or young married couple, we’d love for you to come check us out!

The Graduate Christian Reading Group

Student Contact: Chris Lee

The Graduate Christian Reading Group is a community for graduate students who want to think deeply about the Christian faith by engaging with the greatest Christian thinkers—writers in the likes of C.S. Lewis, G.K. Chesterton, Frederick Buechner, George Herbert, Wendell Berry, and others. We know graduate students have a lot of reading already, so we limit our readings to excerpt passages, short stories, essays, and poems. The group meets biweekly over shared dinner and discussion, and while we hold to the historic confessions of faith, anyone is welcome to join any week! For details regarding our meetings and reading selections, you may sign up for our mailing list or join our GroupMe.

ISI logoInternational Students Inc. (ISI)

Staff Contacts: Lyn NewbranderTim Newbrander
Student Contact: Pranoy LuisAkshata Naik Nimbalkar 

ISI Philly is a Christian organization that offers international students and scholars friendship with American families, help navigating life in the USA, special activities (cultural, social, recreational), ESL opportunities, discussions about the Bible, and small group gatherings. We meet on Friday nights via Zoom and other events are listed on the website. The first Fridays are generally a fun time, and the other Fridays in the month are an interactive Bible discussion for all faiths/no faith. Additionally, on the second and fourth Saturday mornings, we offer Zoom support for professional women via our “Women’s International Connection.” The topics are designed to support professional women, by professional women.
We want to help you connect and would love to know how we can serve you so that you have family away from home! ISI Philly welcomes any student, regardless of race, nationality, or religious preference. You do not have to be a member of the Christian faith to join ISI Philly.

ISI Philly is affiliated with International Students, Inc. nationally, and locally works in partnership with Global Connect: U City  

Korean Christian Fellowship

Student Contact: Subin Kim

KCF is a group for Korean Christian students to engage in fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania. Our group is open to both undergraduate and graduate students. We have weekly Bible Study, worship, prayer, and gatherings. Through the group, we learn to encourage one another to live in Christ while being students at Penn. The meetings are held in both Korean and English.  KCF also helps to connect students to local churches, like the Korean speaking congregation at Emmanuel Church and the on campus gatherings held by Grace Covenant Church

Latter Day Saints Student Association

Student Contact:

The UPenn Latter-Day Saints Student Association (LDSSA) exists to serve the friends and members of The Church Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who are a part of the University of Pennsylvania Community. The club seeks to foster friendships and promote faith through weekly scripture study, frequent social events, inter-collegiate conferences, and inter-faith campus events. Students of any faith are more than welcome to participate in LDSSA activities and events!

Affiliated with the LDS Philadelphia YSA Ward located at 1682 Wood Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

Lutheran Campus Ministry

Staff Contacts: Pastor Meagan Esterby
Student Contacts:

Lutheran Campus Ministry, hosted by University Lutheran Church at 37th and Chestnut, is an inclusive and affirming ministry for students, faculty, staff and others on campus and in the community (and not just a ministry for Lutherans!). LCM hosts both weekly and monthly events for students and young adults, and we invite students to join us in worship on Sunday mornings or Tuesday evenings.

University Lutheran Church is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and is an official Campus Ministry of the ELCA.

My Brother’s Keeper (MBK)

Student Contacts: Felix Nnaji

MBK seeks to provide a space for black men to discuss the application of Christian faith to their everyday lives and form a community of support, leadership and guidance amongst black men on Penn’s campus. We seek to help and encourage one another develop consistent habits in studying and reading the bible, to pursue Christ and to learn more about how we can live like Jesus. We also hope to build strong relationships with one another to stay encouraged and make you feel welcomed! We are open to all Christian and non Christian members to better understand the word of God as it applies to the lives of black men so feel free to join.

NSP logoNew Spirit of Penn Gospel Choir

Staff Contact: Stanley Williams (Baptist Campus Minister)
Student Contact: Tarah Paul

As a group focused on ministry, the New Spirit of Penn Gospel Choir seeks to spread the word of the Lord through song and help to serve as a catalyst for change in the spiritual lives of those affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania, as well as in the surrounding communities. The choir meets twice a week, Mondays and Wednesdays,  from 8 to 10 pm in ARCH Auditorium. The choir has open rehearsals and auditions are not required!

Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF)        

Student Contact: Peter Bazianos 

The Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) coordinates rides to Orthodox liturgies throughout the year and meets about twice a month for dinner events, Bible study, and service outings. Our mission is to strengthen the faith of students through fellowship, worship, service, and the development of community. We also have an open door to anyone interested in Orthodox Christianity. Our chapter spans both Penn and Drexel, and we look forward to meeting you!

OCF is affiliated with the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas.

Penn Catholic Newman Community

Staff Contacts: Patrick Travers, Jule Coppa
Student Contacts: Sheila Hodges

The Penn Catholic Newman Community is the Roman Catholic Church’s presence on Penn’s campus.  Penn Catholic offers a variety of social, spiritual, and service opportunities to help enrich one’s relationship with God, self, and others through a greater understanding of the Catholic faith. All Penn students are welcome to participate.

Penn Catholic Newman Community is affiliated with Sts. Agatha & James Parish in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Alma Latina

Staff Contact: Evelyn Nazario, Father Remi Morales
Student Contact: Maria Irias, Patricia Martinez

Alma Latina is a Catholic group of latinos that gathers on a weekly basis to practice their Faith and receive formation in their native language. The club also hosts monthly Spanish masses and social sharing. It seeks to welcome all Spanish speaking students either undergrad or grad student.

Alma Latina is supported by the Penn Catholic Newman Community

Penn Cru logo

Penn Cru

Staff Contact: Desmin Peifer
Student Contact:

Penn Cru helps students and faculty come to know Jesus, grow in their faith, and go to the world to tell others about God’s love. We are the local chapter of Cru at the University of Pennsylvania. 

Penn Epistle

Student Contact: Ellie Shuert

The Penn Epistle is a Christian journal dedicated to sharing and echoing the words of Christ’s followers. We encourage and accept all Christian students from diverse backgrounds to share their testimonies, emotions, beliefs, and experiences about their journeys and what it means to be Christian. This organization hopes to become a vessel for the Lord’s words in order to comfort, support, and inspire believers and nonbelievers to pursue and deepen their faith.  Anyone and everyone is welcome to join this community and write for The Penn Epistle!

Penn for Jesus

Student contact:

Penn for Jesus functions as a coalition group for Christ-centered organizations on Penn campus to forge partnerships in prayer and build missional communities that transform college campuses with the Gospel of Jesus. Our main goals are to unify the existing Christ-centered ministries on campus and engage the greater Penn community to represent Christ and His mission. For more information, please contact  Follow us on Instagram – @pennforjesus and Facebook

Affiliated with Campus Renewal Ministries.

Penn Graduate Christian Fellowship

Staff Contact:
Student Contacts:

PGCF is a heterogeneous community of University of Pennsylvania graduate students growing in our understanding of God through Christ and His revealed Word, living integrated Christ-transformed lives, and inviting others to know Him.  We have weekly prayer, worship, small group Bible discussion, and occasional social events. 

We are affiliated with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship USA.

Penn Students for Christ

Staff Contact:
Student Contact:

Penn Students for Christ (PSC) is a campus ministry of Tenth Presbyterian Church for students at the University of Pennsylvania. PSC offers weekly on-campus Bible studies and campus outings, community service ministries, Christian community on campus, and the opportunity for students to stay connected with a local church during their time at Penn.

Penn Students for Christ is a part of the college ministry of Tenth Presbyterian Church.

philly bridges logoPhilly Bridges

Staff Contact: BJ Flenner

Philly Bridges exists to serve you as an international students in our community. We do that through… Service: Providing you with valuable services that meet your tangible needs. Social: Providing social networking opportunities to get to know other Americans and fellow international students. Spiritual Resource: Providing you with opportunities to learn about Christianity and the Bible.

Philly Bridges is part of Bridges International

Queer Christian Fellowship

Student contact:
Staff contact: Megan LeCluyse

The Queer Christian Fellowship is a supportive community for LGBT Christians and allies who want to talk more about faith and sexuality. QCF aims to be an open space where all people can learn. You don’t have to be queer or even out, and you don’t have to know everything about being LGBT or about being a person of faith. Our meetings will include group discussions about scripture and current events, as well as social gatherings on campus and around Philadelphia.

Affiliated with the Christian Association

RCF logo

Renewal College Fellowship

Staff Contact: Justin Kim
Student Contacts: Lilian Chen

The mission of Renewal College Fellowship (RCF) is for every individual to experience the gospel of the life-changing grace of Jesus Christ within a caring Christian community. Our hope is that you would be able grow in Christ and find a community that encourages you on your spiritual journey.

RCF is the college ministry of Renewal Presbyterian Church

Resurrection CCO

Staff Contact: Ryan McCormick
Student Contacts: Euel Kebebew

Resurrection CCO aims to make our community a home for students during their years at Penn, when they are figuring out what they believe and who they will become. Our mission is to help students become spiritually and intellectually mature Christian leaders on campus! We believe that faith transforms all of life and that God is renewing all things. We worship at Resurrection Philadelphia and host gatherings and events throughout the semester on campus.

If you are interested in getting involved with Resurrection CCO, fill out this Google form and we’ll get back to you with more information about our fellowship and news about upcoming events!

CCO at Penn is affiliated with CCO (Coalition for Christian Outreach) in partnership with Resurrection Philadelphia

Skeptics Dinner

Staff Contact: Theron Huff

Student contact: Callista Dyer

The mission of Young Life is introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith and life. Young Life at Penn is seeking to engage students who are skeptical about faith in general – whether their own faith tradition or religious worldviews in general. We hold weekly dinners to engage in conversation around different topics chosen by students. Everyone is welcome to come as often as they would like.

Young Life at Penn is resourced by Young Life


HJA logoHindu Jain Association

Student Contacts: Ashrit Challa, Samarth Jain

Penn HJA was started in 1999 to increase awareness about Hinduism and Jainism. In the last decade, we have expanded rapidly on the national scene to become one of the most active chapters in the nation. HJA’s main events include Garba, Diwali, Saraswati Puja, and Hindu Jain Awareness Month along with many weekly activities.           

We are affiliated with the OmKar foundation which helps college organizations with religious and prayer services.


The Faith Fund

Student Contacts: Madeline Kohn

The Faith Fund committee is a group of committed religious student leaders who work to provide funding and programming support for activities that consider religious and spiritual themes and non-event based support for religious and spiritual organizations. Religious and non-religious Penn student organizations are eligible to apply for event funding.

PRISM – Programs in Religion, Interfaith, and Spirituality Matters

Student Contacts: Gabe Greenfield, Justin Seward

PRISM is Penn’s religious umbrella group. We work with individual groups to promote religious life at Penn while also encouraging interfaith dialogue. We plan regular interfaith service and dialogue projects and through the Faith Fund we provide funding for religious events on campus.


Hillel at the University of Pennsylvania

Staff Contact: Rabbi Gabe Greenberg
Student Contacts: Olivia Domansky, Maya Harpaz

Hillel at the University of Pennsylvania is the umbrella organization for Jewish life on campus.  We encompass many religious, educational, social, cultural, Israel advocacy, and other groups that allow students to explore and create their own Jewish experiences on campus.  Our lively, fun community is comprised primarily of Penn undergraduates, but we also work with and support students from all the Penn grad schools.

j-bagel logoJ-BaGeL

Staff Contact:

J-Bagel is a Philadelphia-wide student group dedicated to serving members of the LGBTQAI (Lesbian, Bisexual, Transexual/Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Ally, Intersex) community. J-Bagel runs events for the Jewish and/or LGBTQAI community, including social gatherings, panel discussions, and Shabbat dinners. J-Bagel keeps an active online listserv where privacy is deeply respected.

Affiliated with Penn Hillel

Orthodox Community at Penn

Staff Contacts: Rabbi Joshua Klein, Sara Klein
Student Contacts: Akiva Berkowitz, Claudia Tawii

The Orthodox Community at Penn is one of the most active and vibrant student groups of Orthodox Jews in the country! Join us for daily events, classes, and services – or just come chat in the kosher dining hall at Hillel (Steinhardt Hall, 39th and Locust).

Affiliated with Penn Hillel

Reform Jewish Community

Staff Contact:
Student Contacts: Julia Polster

RJC is Penn’s Reform Jewish Community, providing a spiritual, social, and religious home for Reform Jews on campus. If you are interested in musical and creative Shabbat services, warm and welcoming social events and dinners, or opportunities to learn more about Judaism, let us know! 

Affiliated with Penn Hillel

shabbatones logoShabbatones – (Jewish A Capella)

Student Contact: Mia Shechter

The Shabbatones always put on a great show. Having toured London, California, Florida and Boston, they have brought their a capella delight far and wide. With a repertoire of popular Israeli, American and Jewish songs, the Shabbatones’ music appeals to a wide group of people. So make sure to keep an eye out for this fantastic group as they rock their vocals all over campus.

shira chadasha logoShira Chadasha

Staff Contact: Rabbi Gabe Greenberg
Student Contacts: Sadie Waldbaum, Yoni Perla

Shira Chadasha is a community which strives to provide Penn’s Jewish student body with spirited and inclusive prayer opportunities. We offer a traditional service that promotes the maximum participation of females and males within a halachik framework. Meeting throughout the semester, Shira Chadasha hosts lively Friday Night and Shabbat day services attended by a diverse group of students from throughout the Penn Hillel community. Shira Chadasha aims to increase awareness and discussion of issues related to prayer and spirituality, gender roles and Jewish Law, and the fostering of inclusivity in our Jewish communities.

Affiliated with Penn Hillel

Jewish Graduate Student Network      

Staff Contact: Trent Works

The Jewish Graduate Student Network, a program of Hillel of Greater Philadelphia, serves all of the Jewish graduate and professional students in the Philadelphia area through campus-based and city-wide events. The Grad Network offers a wide range of social, educational, cultural, and religious programs, as well as career development and community service opportunities.  The Grad Network offers extensive programming for Penn students as well as opportunities for Penn students to meet their peers at other universities.

Affiliated with the Greater Philly Hillel Network

Lubavitch House at Penn (Chabad)

Staff Contacts: Rabbi Ephraim LevinRabi Levi HaskelevichNechama Haskelevich
Student Contacts: 

Lubavitch House, a branch of Chabad on Campus, creates an open and welcoming environment for students of all backgrounds and affiliations, to celebrate and explore their heritage. Our goal is to provide students a warm and non-judgmental space to participate in a variety of expressions of Jewish life: Educational classes, religious celebrations and holidays, community service and social programming. We strive to be the place where “every Jew is family.”

Jewish Heritage Programs

Staff Contact: Barri Miller

Student Contact:

Since 1993, JHP has been dedicated to sustain the Jewish community through mentorship, education and, where possible, outreach to disengaged individuals. JHP energizes individuals not normally engaged in Jewish communal activities to engage their friends in activities that inspire and inform, to create and celebrate greater Jewish pride and identity.

JHP is affiliated with the Lubavitch House at Penn 

meor logoMeor Penn

Staff Contacts: Rabbi Rick Fox, Rabbi Meir Bier
Student Contacts:

Meor Means Illumination. Light reveals and inspires. Light expands vision and uncovers new realities. Meor is dedicated to illuminating lives with Jewish light. We hope to create a vibrant Jewish future led by a new generation of Jewish students who are: literate in Jewish wisdom, culture, and heritage; instilled with a deep personal identity that inspires commitment to Jewish values; empowered and actively engaged in Jewish community and support of Israel. 

We are affiliated with the national branch of Meor, located in NYC.

Penn Chavurah

Student Contact:

Penn Chavurah is a student organization at the University of Pennsylvania for progressive Jewish students. We provide Jewish students, regardless of their relationship with Zionism, with a safe community for Shabbat dinners and engaging discussion.





Medina at Penn
Student Contacts: Zainab Adeoye, Marriyam Halirou, Fatou Kone

Medina at Penn aims to create an inclusive, welcoming, and supportive community that fosters connection and growth among Black Muslim students at Penn and other universities. Our mission is to promote unity and understanding across different backgrounds within the African Diaspora, expand our Islamic knowledge while fostering an environment of mutual respect, and collaboration, and emphasizing the Islamic principles of community, charity, and service. We strive to build meaningful relationships, empower our members, and create opportunities for personal and collective growth, ensuring all Black Muslims at Penn feel valued, connected, and supported. Penn Medina is open to all undergraduate and graduate students.

Muslim Life Program

The Muslim Life Program at the University of Pennsylvania support for Muslims on campus through the Muslim chaplain, programming and a physical home on campus. Visit us at 118 S. 37th St (behind Pottruck Gym – in the space that we share with the Christian Association. The Muslim Life Program supports graduate and undergraduate students and works with all Muslim student organizations and interfaith partners on campus. The Muslim Life Program seeks to create a welcoming environment for the students and community members that provides opportunities for intellectually and spiritually engaging with Islam.

Penn MSA logoMuslim Students Association

Student Contact:

Penn MSA seeks to build an inclusive and engaging community for Muslims on Penn’s campus. Through diverse programming, we aim to positively contribute to the social, professional, religious, and spiritual development of our members, and to collectively give back to the broader Penn and West Philadelphia communities. Additionally, our campus minister provides religious, spiritual and pastoral guidance and counseling to Muslims at Penn in order to enrich their experience while here.  Follow us on Instagram – @upennmsa & Facebook



Sikh Organization of Penn

Student Contact: Mehak Dhaliwal, Jaideep Grewal

The Penn Sikh Organization (PSO) aims to foster greater awareness of Sikh values and tradition. The organization offers members the opportunity to learn more about the religion. In addition, it gives them the option to share this knowledge and the history of Sikhism with the greater Penn community through interfaith events.   




Staff Contact: Melissa Hopely Rice, Ephraim Levin
Student Contact:

CogWell is a student-run peer-to-peer support network on Penn’s campus. Each semester we provide professional  training of  Active Listening skills to students and also provide mini workshops to various groups on campus. The group is based on friends helping friends on campus. Cogwell partners with the Chaplains Office and Wellness.